Coach Stacy Kauai

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How’s your relationship with yourself?

This is some of the work we do together:

  • Me time

  • Quiet time

  • Meditation

  • Exercise

  • Daily accountability

  • Nourishing food

  • Doing things that bring you joy

  • Staying accountable to all of the above!

Our confidence blossoms when our self-care and self-love take center stage in our life. From that place, anything is possible. 

It’s an honor to be a part of so many women’s journeys to personal empowerment. My goal is always to create programs that feel customizable, doable, and empowering. My Wahine Rising Spotlight for this month is on two of my powerful, amazing clients: Jennifer and Nalani. I asked them some questions about their journey so far.

Jennifer W.

What was the deciding factor in hiring me as your coach and committing to your health and wellness? 

”I learned that there are certain things that you can't control about your health so you really need to take charge of what you can.  I decided to hire Stacy because doing so took away all the reasons to not exercise - she comes to you, focuses on your needs (body and mind) and provides an overwhelming supply of encouragement.

Plus, it is just easier and more comfortable to exercise with someone who has been in the world about the same amount of time as you, practices what she preaches and exudes positivity.”

What does Wahine Rising mean to you?

Nalani B.

What was the deciding factor in hiring me as your coach and committing to your health and wellness?

…I knew Stacy, she is homegrown and I love her gentle but firm energy.  She was the next call I made…call it my cry for help.  I want my daughter to see balance in a woman’s life and servicing myself is just as important as serving others.”

What exactly do you like the most about my program or has been most helpful for you?

This program has daily homework to do so I have to stay present and our time together is focused on my needs.  I am not the superwoman I was yesterday. Time has taken a toll. 

Stacy is a well-trained personal trainer, nutrition coach, and mindset guru who sees me for who I am today and is bringing me back to my best life using every tool at her disposal.”


What does Wahine Rising mean to you?

I believe it is about women helping women rise up to create a better life and thus a better world for future generations.

I’m honored to be a part of these journeys with Nalani and Jennifer! If you’re at a place where you’re ready to prioritize self-love and experience personal transformation, I’d sincerely love to connect with you to see if we’re a good fit.

See more about my one-on-one wellness program here

Or schedule a free discovery call :)