Finding Your Purpose In a Season of Change: From a Kauai Women’s Wellness Coach

kauai women's wellness

As a Kauai Women’s Wellness coach, your mindset is my mission.

I’ve always viewed life as a classroom. It’s the place I get to wake up and learn something new about myself in this world every day. I believe deeply that life is happening for me, not to me. My job is to learn from each experience and opportunity as it unfolds. 

Mindset Matters

Mindfulness is the gateway to any change we want to make. 

How you feel matters. Being AWARE and fully present in the moment is the space where the doors really open, ideas are birthed, & solutions are found. 

Every single thing we are experiencing right now was someone's IDEA. Yup, they had to think it and dream it and see the possibility before anyone else did. That’s why it’s so important to nurture our ideas and cultivate new and innovative ways of thinking.

As we navigate through a season of tremendous change in life, carving out time to really tune into how I AM FEELING, my intuition and those great ideas has been critical for me.

kauai womens wellness coach

Finding My Purpose

COVID has been an incredible opportunity to dive into these juicy, profound bigger-than-life questions, especially in regards to work and my career.

  • What is my purpose in life?

  • What are my natural born gifts & talents?

  • What do I do that serves others the most and feels like second nature to me?

How did I become a Women’s Wellness Coach?

I’ve given myself permission to really ponder all the possibilities. So after asking myself the big questions: “Why am I here? What is my purpose? How can I serve?” I know that my talent is empowering others. It’s how I make people FEEL.

It turns out it’s a gift to be able to meet people where they’re at in life. To create loving, judgment-free zones for personal growth. To listen to women’s concerns and desires. To coach resilience and choice. 

I can see clearly the places I’ve created in my life to practice and master these skills: my daughters, my friendships, my aqua fitness classes, my women’s retreats, my wellness coaching, and my Wahine Rising line.

All versions of the same work: EMPOWERING WOMEN. It feels really good to have some clarity on all this.

Put pen to paper. And ask yourself these empowering questions:

kauai womens wellness coach

Hands down, the tools that have helped me and my clients the most are journaling, meditation, & asking empowering questions. When you’re seeking answers to the next steps in life make sure the question you ask is an empowering one.

Keep reading to see the difference between an empowering question & a disempowering question.

What is trying to emerge in my life right now? 

What am I ready to let go of in my life right now?

What is my purpose in life?

What are my natural born gifts & talents?

What do I do that serves others the most and feels like second nature to me?

What’s Stopping You?

Most women I know tend to feel guilty for taking time for themselves, especially when it comes to the needs of their children & families. They sacrifice how they FEEL & what brings the most JOY for the needs of others. 

The TRUTH is when we feel clear, energized, and aligned with our mindset & heart set we are better equipped to handle the twist, turns, or devastating losses so much better. Modeling taking great care of our body, mind, & soul to our children is a gift that gives them permission to do it for themselves as they grow up. 

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Empowering vs. Disempowering Questions

It’s important to ask questions, but the way we ask shapes our mindset. 

The general rule: Ask WHAT not WHY.

  • Why is this happening to me? Very disempowering. Puts you in a victim mindset.

  • What can I LEARN from this experience? Empowering. Immediately sets you up to learn and grow.

Decide to define yourself by the VISION of your future instead of the memory of your past.

It’s LIBERATING & you can do it right now.

If you’re feeling stuck or unmotivated, I would love for you to schedule a free Discovery Call. Let’s see how I can help!

kauai womens wellness coach

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