How to Create a Worldclass Nighttime Routine

It’s not WHEN you go to bed and wake up that matters, it’s HOW you go to bed and wake up. Let’s talk about how you go to bed.

It’s not WHEN you go to bed and wake up that matters, it’s HOW you go to bed and wake up. Let’s talk about how you go to bed.

Having a good night’s sleep profoundly impacts your overall health. Creating a world-class evening routine is a game-changer for your mental health, energy, productivity, waistline, and happiness. 

A world-class nighttime routine starts with a healthy dinner.

See some of my fave Coach Stacy’s Kitchen recipe here

Let’s have an honest & loving look at your current bedtime habits.

You already have a routine, but is that routine serving you? Is it adding to your health and well-being or taking away from it? 

Habits are the things we don’t think about…. we just do them. Habits are automatic. The good news: our habits can be changed at any time!

bedtime routine

If you do find yourself doing some of these habits, the first thing to do is ask yourself: how does this make me feel?

Be honest. Tune in.

To replace your bad habits with good ones, set smaller, attainable goals.

For example: “For the next three days, I will put my phone away at 8 pm.”

Or: swap out one habit at a time!

I suggest replacing something that’s not serving your mindset in the evenings. For example:

  • Scrolling social media

  • Watching/reading news

  • Checking emails

  • Eating two hours before sleep

  • Watching a scary or upsetting movie

  • Checking texts

  • Drinking caffeine before bed

For example, I know for me that sometimes scrolling social media can bring on feelings of inadequacy, comparison, and self-judgment. This is the last thing I want to feel before I shut my eyes. Social media is also part of my business and can feel like work, which is totally counterproductive to winding down.

It’s really hard to just remove something you’re doing even when you know it’s not good for you. I’ve found the best approach is to swap something better in place of that activity.

Try swapping out those habits for these:

A calming gratitude meditation

A brain dump 

Make a list of everything on your mind. This helps you get it all out & release your brain from having to think of it all. Seeing these things on the page helps you realize these things can be figured out tomorrow.

Tell yourself: “I’ll get back to it tomorrow. I’m done for today.”



A hot shower

Set aside your outfit for the next morning


Listen to uplifting podcasts or audiobooks

I recommend books by powerful wahine like Rachel Hollis, Marie Forleo, Brene Brown, or Glennon Doyle.


These can do wonders for a better night’s sleep! Turn your brain off & plug into the positive frequencies that self-care brings.

My Nighttime Routine

bedtime routine

Keeping your phone by your bed is a hot topic of discussion and there’s a wide range of recommendations on this.

I recommend you be very disciplined with what you do with your phone in your room!! This is something I’ve practiced a lot and learned how to do.

I personally keep my phone next to my bed on Do Not Disturb. I have a daughter living on the mainland & family across the world, so having my phone in the room helps me feel closer in case of an emergency.

bedtime tips

Here’s a great phone/bedtime hack:

It’s really important that your notifications are turned off so you can have uninterrupted sleep! You can set up your phone so calls only come through if certain people call you more than once in a row. For example, if my daughter calls me once, I won’t hear it. If she calls me twice, it comes through!

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A lot of us are working from home right now which makes it harder to set boundaries with our phones. As a person who’s always worked from home, I’ve needed to set boundaries for myself.

I don’t check emails or texts from my clients at night. That’s a boundary I’ve set for myself. At night, my phone is only used for meditation and audiobooks.

I use my earbuds so I don’t disturb my husband while he snores next to me! I listen to uplifting audiobooks or guided meditations. For the morning, I like to queue them up so that they’re ready to roll as soon as I begin to wake up!

There is a window of opportunity as we transition from our conscious, thinking mode to our subconscious, sleeping mode. That last hour before you sleep is sacred and time to nurture our bodies!

Intentionally planting seeds of positivity, love, gratitude, abundance, and overall well-being tunes our vibes to high frequency.

It releases resistance and opens us up to receive the things we want out of life, to our creativity, energy, and excitement for the next day.

Put yourself to sleep the way that you put a baby to sleep. Be loving, peaceful, attentive, and kind with yourself. Only you can do this for yourself! You are so worthy..

womens wellness coach

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Sweet dreams, ladies!


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