Coach Stacy Kauai

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A Glimpse of My Wahine Rising Story

I decided at a young age I would NOT let the neglect of my alcoholic father & the abandonment of my mentally ill and homeless mother hold me back. I knew that the molestation, stress, & trauma of my early childhood was not my fault.

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From my earliest childhood memories, I was totally connected to source energy and a power greater than myself. I called it my “energy.” It was a strong feeling of what's right & wrong in the world and what’s right & wrong for ME. I knew that my thoughts were my own and nobody could see them or change them.

I was in control of my thoughts, no matter what.

I grew up an intentional thinker.

I could listen and trust my gut. I have always been really good at choosing good people to surround myself with. I chose an incredible husband who I have loved & cherished for over 30 years. I became an extraordinarily present, loving, & reliable mom. Together Peter & I have raised two healthy, smart, beautiful, & driven girls. I chose the salty, laid back island life for my home. I chose the endless, breathtaking beauty of Kaua’i to revel in daily. 

I am still growing and learning something new about myself every day.