Coach Stacy Kauai

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Wahine Rising Retreat coming in January 2022

It’s HAPPENING!!! After all that has unfolded over the past 20 months around the world and in our community, the timing finally feels right to host my next retreat.

I’m so ready, how about you?

Join me for an incredible weekend of women’s wellness here on Kauai!

This weekend is all about connection. Connection with yourself and your highest purpose through all things that make you feel cared for, relaxed and open. 

Connection to your body. Love it, nourish it, rest it.

Connect with other women in person — something we have all felt a little starved of over the past two years — to laugh, listen, learn, share and inspire. That’s the mission!!! 

This retreat is for all mothers, sisters, wives, caretakers, business owners, non-profit volunteers, community leaders and every other role we play, who want to give themselves the gift of self-care. 

There’s nothing more inspiring in the midst of challenges, near and far, than to hear from other women who are open to sharing how they’ve navigated, seized opportunities, had the courage to change, what they’ve decided to put in the past and are aspiring to do in 2022.

For me, I’m most excited to see who will join me for this weekend of wellness. It’s like a secret recipe with each of the eight women who reserve a spot as a special ingredient - unique, beautiful spirits who contribute to the experience that we will savor together.

Ready to hear all the tantalizing details of a Wahine Rising Retreat?

Click here for the details and early bird pricing through December 15th.

Call me to reserve your spot today, 808-635-1143